When it comes to working from home, we all understand how useful the right gadgets and mod-cons can be. There’s nothing like the tranquillity that comes over you when you know that your double port device is simultaneously connected to your laptop and mobile devices. So much for running out of juice. However, it’s wrong to argue that technology is a one-trick pony. After all, it’s proven how versatile it is over the years, and its impact on rest and relaxation is no different.

Sure, the wrong amount of screen time won’t do your peepers any good, yet it’s counterproductive to abandon your trusty hardware and software, particularly when you must multitask and there are never enough hours in a day. Therefore, without further ado, here are the ways you can let technology give you a hand in making the most of of your time.

Play Online Casinos  

Source: Unsplash

The internet is packed with games, so why choose to invest time and money into an online casino? It’s a good question, and it boils down to the way these platforms regularly enhance the user experience. For example, VR headsets and augmented reality programmes are now the industry norms as remote betting companies try to recreate the magic of traditional casinos.

The rise of the digital, realistic experience is a major part of why lives casinos exist, and why you can find different variations depending on your requirements. Whether it’s a live casino in Japan, the US or Australia, you aren’t spoilt for choice if you like to get away from the pressures of life and blow off steam by playing a range of games from blackjack to poker and online slot machines that are all available on the best platforms. Psychology Today calls it a ‘disinhibiting’ experience, a sensation that lets you lower your emotional guard and de-stress incredibly effectively.

Use It to Exercise  

Sure, you like to go old-school when it comes to exercise. There are no bells and whistles, just good, old-fashioned hard work and elbow grease. That’s fine, but it’s not always conducive with a full schedule and a busy life. Sometimes, there isn’t enough time to jog for an hour or hit the gym to pump iron, even though you’re desperate to get out of the house for a change of scenery. In these instances, it’s vital to relieve tension by working out, yet the retro methods aren’t working-from-home-friendly.

Thankfully, mobile HIIT apps have got your back because they incorporate sessions between 10 and 60 minutes long that you can do in your office, living room or back garden. And, high-intensity-interval-training is just as effective for your mental and physical wellbeing as continuous exercise, according to a 2019 study. It found that 20 minutes of HIIT is comparable to 50 minutes of low-intensity exercise concerning weight loss. Of course, shorter sessions are easy to fit in, so there should be more opportunities to de-stress.

Read a Book  

Source: Unsplash

Everyone knows about the mental health benefits associated with reading. Research highlights the impact via this stunning statistic – reading as little as six minutes a day can reduce stress levels by 60%. Wow. The problem lies in the accessibility. Typically, you can’t run out to the shop to pick up a compelling read to lower your heart rate.

However, you can download a title from Amazon for your Kindle. With an e-book, there’s no excuse to let working from home get you down when you feel like you don’t have the time or energy to unwind traditionally as getting lost in a story is accessible 24-7.

Leaving the house is a fantastic way to reduce tension if you work remotely. If you can’t, you should let technology guide you in the right direction from the comfort of your home.