Many of us mistakenly believe that using a sharp razor is all that matters when it comes to achieving the closest, most comfortable shave possible, however, the truth is that the quality and kind of shaving cream or soap you use is nearly as crucial.

Nowadays, many shaving products are available in the market, like shaving soaps, gels, creams, oils, etc. Here we will discuss the two most popular ones out there: Shaving Soap and Gel, and why the former one is chosen more often.

First, Why Do You Even Need a Shaving Product?

Shaving is difficult on your skin since your facial hair clings to the side of your face. These hairs are strong and wiry, and they are tougher than the sensitive skin beneath them. You tend to remove almost as much skin as hair when you assault them with that razor.

Sebum, your skin’s protective layer, is what you get. You’re exfoliating, to be sure, but you’re exfoliating too hard if it is without the perfect shaving agent. It reduces friction and gives you nick-free and smooth after-shave skin.

Shaving Gel

To begin, there is a noticeable difference in the amount of time it takes to lather up. Shaving gel contains more moisture than soft shaving soap and instantly comes up on the brush from the container, resulting in a quick lather. If you’re in a hurry, it’s satisfying. It’s as simple as dipping and lathering!

Shaving gel lather tends to hold more moisture than soap. It hydrates my skin for a longer period and leaves it feeling great. If you’re a newbie with a brush, it’s also a lot easier to use.

When it comes to shaving gel, the key is not to use too much. People unfamiliar with wet-shaving (shaving with a brush and bowl) sometimes make the mistake of loading the brush with cream and applying too thick a lather. This not only clogs your razor but it also swiftly burns through your wonderful gel cream.

It doesn’t take much to get a lot of lather; a few circles with the brush tip on the gel will suffice. You have complete control over the proportions; you can always add more water or cream, but not less. To begin, be cautious. The idea is to create a lather that has the consistency of whipped cream, with stiff peaks that won’t run down your face or hands.

When lathering your gel, employ a vigorous motion in the shaving basin while slowly adding drops of water. Whip the gel until it thickens, then lather it immediately on your face. As a consequence, you’ll get a thick, cushiony foam that’s easy to work with and worthwhile to shave with.

Shaving Soap

Shaving soaps from the past have seen a return in popularity in recent years. Tins with images such as a fox with a monocle, a penny farthing, or an old-timey bare-knuckle boxer with a waxed moustache entice you in with the promise of making you even more ruggedly gorgeous if you use shaving soap.

But then you realize you’ll need a brush to apply it, a mug to mix it in, and, oh god, all these rules!

The thicker lather formed by mixing and using a hard soap, on the other hand, provides more lubrication while also moisturizing the skin. The longer you mix, the richer the lather becomes, preserving your skin and allowing you to shave more comfortably.

To make your beards as soft as possible, remove all the oil so that water may penetrate the hair, and the follicle can be easily removed with your razor. Thick soap lather is by far the most effective of all the products in this regard.

The issue with this method is the extra room required to store and use the necessary accouterments, such as the badger brush and shaving mug. For example, this isn’t the best strategy for someone living in a closet-sized studio apartment in New York City.

Also, even if mixing the soap takes only two minutes longer, at 7.45 a.m., when your employer expects you to be in the boardroom by 8.30 a.m., those extra 2 minutes can seem like an eternity.

Even though the initial investment may appear high, the products you choose will be far less expensive and last far longer than anything else, giving your shave a luxurious feel.

The Chemicals in Gels

A vast majority of men worldwide are devoted users of this product: foams or gels applied using an aerosol can. It’s far from optimal, but that’s just the way things are right now. The ease of use, the fact that the same ‘can’ can be purchased almost anywhere, and the low cost is powerful factors in choosing this product.

Since its introduction in 1949, aerosol cream has maintained its position as the industry leader. However, if you’re looking for a smooth, comfortable shave, this is the worst of the bunch. And if you get any rashes or shaving rash when using one of these products, it’s possible that the chemicals in the composition are to blame.

Parabens (compounds found in shave foam to extend the shelf life of the product) have been seen to cause inflammation, ageing, and several other skin side effects, we believe that you’re better off without them in your shaving products.

Which One’s For You?

A high-quality shaving gel and shaving soap will both produce a thick, cushiony foam that will aid in the glide of the razor over the skin while also protecting against irritation and redness. In addition to their ease of use, shaving creams provide exceptional performance, making them fantastic for both novices and expert wet shavers.

Meanwhile, mastering the art of lathering a shaving soap can take some time. Still, the lather and post-shave conditioning produced is frequently exceptional, thanks to the soap’s high fat or glycerin content.

Artisan makers take shaving soaps a step further by creating them with distinct and nuanced aroma profiles that are often unmatched by competing for shaving creams in the marketplace.