You are over 35, male and losing your hair? Well, you are one of many. And while male pattern baldness  affects most men of a certain age, it’s not something anyone wants to talk about. Thankfully, with Haelf, a new company has launched looking to not only destigmatize the issue of hair loss and other chronic  medical conditions, but also help treat it. 

Based on the principle ‘scientific evidence first’, Michael Bartenstein has launched the brand out of  Vienna, Austria in 2020. Since day one, the brand’s objective has been to provide personalised, clinically proven treatments of the finest quality; the team strives to empower broader wellbeing by opening the  floor to talk about things that aren‘t easy and at times potentially even embarrassing. The range of  treatments consists of both proprietary and sourced product innovations – all of which are catered to  you through their utilitarian platform at Above all, the brand operates as telemedicine  company too, with a team made up of biochemists, medical doctors, pharmacologists and designers who  are continuously creating effective and safe treatments. lmportantly, each of Haelf’s product concepts  begins in their lab facilities and not in a marketing department. 

Consumer healthcare and pharma are industries that are often called out for untransparent behavior,  like misleading ads, indecipherable ingredient lists, and questionable claims. Within this playground, this  refreshingly transparent healthcare brand naturally stands out. Crisp, clean, and minimal, Haelf is a  brand line that knows exactly who it is. By doing away with intense designs, overly-gimmick-y color  palate and not feeling the need to tell the brand story through lots of copy, Haelf conveys authority in  the medicine products and broader healthcare space.  

The brand is striving to eliminate false promises while introducing online doctor consultations to all  those who would like to improve their wellbeing. Haelf aims to set new standards through a new  approach to product and process design for its range of supplements, pharmacy and prescription  medicines. From hair loss to sexual health, all of Haelf’s products are delivered to patient’s doorstep  within 1-2 business days, while anonymous online consultations with EU & MHRA licensed doctors take  no more than 5 minutes to complete.  

It is now time to enthuse like-minded people about the clinically proven properties of their products and  services. The development pipeline is bulging, enabling the brand to soon bring to market the next  tranche of products in the field of hair loss, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. All with the  science, but without the waiting lines and false promises.