Some people aim for less fat but do not want to lose their muscle gains, so they somewhat hesitate when doing their routines and choosing the best diets. Muscle loss is indeed possible when you try to shed off those excess fats. 

However, muscle loss can be managed with a proper diet and workout routines. You have to keep in mind that muscle loss can be prevented if you follow the appropriate plan and keeping in mind the following tips:

Take Proper Supplements

Supplements help ensure that you are losing excess fats while your muscles are growing. Consider taking top rated amino acids to aid you in weight loss while ensuring you gain muscles and not lose them. 

Amino acids will not directly burn out your excess fats but instead help you build more muscles, which in return melts excess fats that your body does not need. It is like hitting two birds with one stone. 

Have Sufficient Rest

Resting is also as important as working out regularly and eating healthy food options. Just because you have a goal in mind, doesn’t mean that you burn yourself out. Do not hesitate to take a break as excessive training will cause your muscle protein’s excessive breakdown.

Aside from taking a break from your workout, it is also best to make sure you have adequate sleep. Sleep is vital to repairing our muscles after training. Additionally, having enough rest can also lessen your stress level. Remember, not having enough sleep and a high-stress level will make your body hold on to more fat.

Never skip rest, as this is when your body will repair all that was broken or torn during your training, especially your muscles. Recovering is also vital in building muscle strength and cutting down fats. As your body repairs the broken muscles, the new fibers that grow are stronger than the ones that have been damaged. 

Increase Training Intensity 

Having a well-designed workout routine is not enough to reach your goal. If you want to lose your body fat and gain muscles simultaneously, you must increase your training intensity to ensure excellent results. You have to challenge your body and burn more calories to build up and strengthen your muscles. 

Once you have been on the same intensity level for quite some time, you must start to step up your training and add more weights to your lifting. However, increasing your training intensity might require you to take a break before proceeding to the next level of your training. 

Eat the Proper Food 

It is not advisable to lessen your food intake when you are trying to lose body fats and gain muscles. You might wonder why personal trainers will tell you to eat more if you are trying to lose fat because it is contrary to what we thought we would need. 

However, just because you are told to eat more, doesn’t mean you can go chomp off anything you want to eat. The key here is to choose the right food to consume. Have a diet plan including the right kind of carbs like non-refined carbs, proteins, and healthy fats that  you can get from things like avocado, nuts, and seeds.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated will not only make you feel refreshed, but it is also essential in losing fat and gaining weight, aside from the fact that water can help you become healthy. Overall, it can also significantly improve your metabolism and performance. 

The amount of water you must drink a day will depend on your body weight. The guideline is to drink 50ml of water for every kilogram of your body weight. However, the minimum required amount of water intake for physically inactive individuals is three liters. While individuals who are doing physical activities, especially those who are strength training, are required to consume a little more as they will need more fluid, especially during training days. 

Gaining muscles is a challenging task to do, so is losing your excess fat. But if you know how to do it right, you can end up doing a routine or eating a special diet that can help you acquire both. 

The demanding job does not end here, now that you know how to lose fat without compromising your muscles properly, the next thing you need to do is to follow the tips provided and use them as a guide in creating a plan for yourself. 


You have to understand that losing fat doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose weight. As fats dissipate in your body, muscles will be replaced, which will also cause your weight to increase. To create an effective plan to lose fat while gaining muscles, you must know that fat loss is not the same as weight loss.

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash