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Fashion For Men

The Simple Skincare Routine For Men | High Def Male 

There’s still a slight stigma behind male grooming, even though the industry is showing substantial growth year after year. More and more men are now paying attention to grooming, but if you’re still not a convert we’re here to help. Grooming isn’t about spending an…

Fashion For Men

Style Icon: David Hockney | High Def Male 

Some men have it all, don’t they? David Hockney is a British institution, a living legend, a master of the easel and – as if that wasn’t enough – a real style inspiration with his playful sartorial choices. The down-to-earth Yorkshireman (is there any other…

Fashion For Men

The Art of Shaving | High Def Male 

Dad always taught us to lend a helping hand to those in need. The Art of Shaving is applying his teachings this Father’s Day with their support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Starting June 1st, as part of the brand’s ongoing support of Broadway Cares/Equity…