Clothing, accessories and shoes are all fantastic and multi-faceted ways to express your personality and the beauty of living in the modern world is that basically, within reason, virtually anything goes.

However, another way to show your style and your quirks, passions and even attitude to life itself is to change the way you style your hair and it is utterly understandable if, for whatever reason, you have maintained the same hairstyle for a number of years.

With this is in mind, continue reading to learn some of some fabulous ways to use your hair to show your style.

Experiment with Color

One of the easiest and certainly most cost-effective ways of expressing your own personal style through your hair, especially if you choose to purchase some good quality dye and do it yourself, is to dye your hair a brand-new color.

Obviously, there is a myriad of vibrant and quirky colors to choose from, however for more of a natural and subtle change, if you have spent the last few years with mousy or dark brown hair, transforming your color to a blonde or even red will still make a huge difference. 

If you are someone who loves to stand out with their style and enjoys pushing the proverbial boundaries of fashion and trends, then you could even opt for a blue, green or even bright pink hair dye. Just make sure it is one of the temporary dyes you buy, just in case that the color is too bold even for you. 

Hair Transplants

For both men and women, a slight and gradual decrease in the volume of hair produced and the thickness and volume of hair is a perfectly common and natural sign of aging and lots of people embrace this change and ‘go with it.’

However, for example, if you are a man who is noticeably going bald and feels that baldness is not representative of who you are, then one effective and surprisingly more affordable than you think option is to opt for a hair transplant

Hair Accessories

Ass with particular clothing items, accessories, in terms of gloves, scarves, hats, handbags and hair accessories also follow the same fashion trends and style and it is for this reason that there is always a plethora of bold, innovative ways to style your hair and accessories to style with available both online and instore. 

Browse various online retailers for hair accessories that, metaphorically, speak to you as to the kind of style persona you want to portray and then price compare to make sure you purchase a wide variety of different accessories for the most affordable prices. 

Check Social Media

Another exceedingly viable and somewhat modern way of using your hair to express and update your style is to check social media sites, namely Instagram and Pinterest, for inspiration form not only people in popular media, but also people on the street.

Simply search for hair trends, hairstyles or even hair colors and peruse the hundreds upon hundreds of images to choose a new and modern hairstyle that you have never previously chosen.