To some people a perfectly shaped beard is the epitome of a man.

Over the past few years we’ve seen a huge rise in men sporting a beard, with the hipster trend rising in popularity alongside a noticeable increase in sales of beard related products (oils, combs, beard wash).

But what if you wanted to embrace the beard but struggle to grow one?

What do you do if you have to deal with bald patches and all you can seem to grow is an awfully looking patchy beard?

I want to share a few tips that will you fix your patchy beard alongside some additional advice to help with beard growth.

Beard Growth Advice

So I want to end this with a little bit of advice in terms of beard growth. If you haven’t come to terms with your patchy beard, if you haven’t embraced it, if none of the tips above have worked you can of course take drastic measures.

I’ve never done this or seen anyone do this but obviously hair transplants are more readily available and popular amongst men, and you can get hairs transplanted onto your face. This is of course a drastic measure but some men have opted for treatment in the past.

The other thing that can accelerate hair growth (and something I’ve personally used) is Apple Cider Vinegar. This is a great natural product that you can use with a little bit of water that when rubbed into bald spots can help accelerate growth. It works for some people it doesn’t for others, use it for a few months and see if it accelerates hair growth around your beard.

So there we have it, hopefully the tips above will help you fix your patchy beard.

Most importantly try to embrace it. Don’t worry what people think and be you.

Think this will help someone? Share it with them.

Let me know if you also have a patchy beard and how you manage deal with it in the comments below.

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