It’s a new year, and you have vowed to be more aware of body and mind. You plan to eat better, exercise more, and balance home and work. However, life has a way of getting the best of us, even with the best intentions. A little bit of stress can be the perfect motivator; too much, and we can feel like we’re drowning. So, when things begin to feel like they’re getting out of control, it’s time to refocus and find outlets to help reduce the stress and anxiety.

Stress manifests itself differently for everyone. It might make some more irritable, agitated, and frustrated. For others, it might even negatively affect self-esteem. Beyond the mental side, it can impact energy levels, cause headaches, upset stomach, and other physical symptoms. Anxiety has many of the same symptoms of stress. Anxiety is generally a feeling of fear, dread, or uneasiness. It’s not unusual for them to be grouped together. The good news is there are exercises that help manage both. Exercise is the perfect way to achieve that while having the added benefit of assisting muscles, heart, and mind simultaneously.

Best Exercises to Combat Stress

First off, we will assume you are healthy and injury-free. You are used to working out and are not just diving into extreme exercising to address your stress and anxiety. Walking is always a safe and easy way to start any exercise program. Just ten minutes of walking at a vigorous pace can reduce stress levels and restore calm.

A jog or run are both great for stress release if you are able. It’s not always as easy to head out the door and go like a walk, but once you have the proper shoes and attire, hitting the pavement or local trails to break a sweat, get your heart rate up, and decompress for a few miles will leave you with a renewed sense of calm.

If you have access to a pool, swimming is an excellent full-body workout. Nothing beats the feeling of being weightless without the pounding associated with running. Swimming can be a bit daunting for some people. But once in the water, the beautiful thing about swimming is it is very rhythmical. Everything has a pattern, whether it’s the strokes or the breathing. The solitude of being in the water adds to the general sense of calm associated with it.

If you seek something less physical, yoga and stretching are more sedate options to addressing stress and anxiety. Yoga focuses on proper breathing techniques together with stretching of the body. Both yoga and stretching are deliberate movements of the body that help connect mentally and physically to reduce stress.

Outside of exercise, you might want to consider trying CBD tablets. Taken as a supplement, they help promote overall wellness and address health concerns that include stress and anxiety. In addition, be conscious of getting the right amount of sleep nightly. Eat a healthy diet. When stressed, it’s easy to pick something up for convenience-sake. However, too much on-the-go food isn’t healthy or practical for maintaining well-being.

Life Can Be Overwhelming

A little bit of exercise every day is ideal. It is recommended that the average adult get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. You only need to do half that if you do vigorous exercising. The key is to do something every day rather than squeeze it in over a shorter period. That will just add stress, defeating the purpose.

Balancing the demands of our daily lives can be overwhelming. No one can run on full octane all the time. It is essential to take the time for yourself, reign in those obligations and commitments, learn to say no, walk away, and just decompress. Recognize that feeling overwhelmed is a normal part of life. We all want to overachieve and be recognized for our contributions. But, at the end of the day, if we run on empty, find ourselves too stressed out and worried, no one benefits. Take care of yourself, and everyone benefits.