Moustaches are back. Whether you are growing them with a beard or not, nowadays, they are all the rage. Granted, they involve a bit more grooming and care in comparison to going completely shaved – but the results are worth it, aren’t they? They make you look more mature – and let’s just face it, ladies love this look.

The beauty of moustaches is that you can wear them with pretty much any type of clothing that you prefer, and they will still look cool. You just need to narrow down on what your style is. Do you want to be a cool Viking? Do you want a beardstache? Or do you want to be the new Tom Selleck, king of the Chevron? Maybe you want a fancy handlebar moustache to style every day. Before you choose the beard grooming kit to go with, check out some pointers on the style as well.

  1. Wear a Suit Vest and Dress Shirt

There’s something about suit vests that make them look quite stunning on a man with a moustache. In the past, beards and moustaches symbolised wisdom – so, obviously, these people would have mature clothing that would pretty much make them look like fancy grown-ups.

As a result, if you want to emphasise your moustache, go for a wool vest. Don’t go for a baggy vest, as it might make you look homeless rather than fancy – but go for a nicely fitted one instead. Neutral shades are recommended as well, but at the same time, there’s nothing wrong with wearing just a bit of colour.

To accentuate the vest and the moustache even further, you might want to wear a dress shirt. Bear in mind that for these two to blend nicely, you also need to have a properly groomed beard. A messy one will look like you’ve just slept on it and is going in every direction possible.

To complete a stylish look, you might also add a spritz of perfume on you – because perfume simply makes everything better. Bear in mind that each person wears perfume differently, so you might want to check a guide to perfume. This way, you will know that the perfume you choose will be fitting for the look that you have in mind.

  1. Go for Flat Caps

Flat caps have had quite a surge of popularity lately, and they work very well with moustaches. These caps will emphasise a thin moustache, but they can also work quite well with beardstaches and any other type of moustache. Plus, they are quite an addition to your closet if you wish to achieve that Peaky Blinder look.

These hats will provide that kind of Boston attitude – making you look classy and elegant, yet relaxed and casual at the same time. Fabric caps are recommended, but you may also rock a fancy leather cap if you want to.

  1. Embrace the Trench Coat

There’s something about trench coats that allow them to go well with moustaches. They were originally popular in the 19th century – but that’s when the moustache started being popular as well. If you had a trench coat, you obviously had a fabulous moustache to go with it.

Plus, the beauty of trench coats is that they give you that timeless look – one that will make your moustache even more fabulous. No matter if you have a beard or not, this should look good on you on every occasion.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid of Winter Caps

If you are very proud of your moustache, and if you have a particularly nice beard to highlight, you might want to try wearing winter caps as well. Obviously, this works much better for the cold season.

The reason why such a clothing accessory would work well is that it will hide the rest of your hair, allowing people to look straight where you want them to: your fabulous stache. Choose one that goes with your style the most, but make sure that it covers the entirety of your head, with a snug fit.

  1. Choose a White Tank Top

Are you feeling bold? Do you have the kind of moustache that Freddie Mercury would be proud of? In that case, you will certainly want to pair your moustache with a white tank top. This piece of outfit will certainly make you want to sing “I want to break free” or any other popular Queen song as you are walking down the street. Plus, the combination is so bold and iconic that you will certainly turn heads.

To complete this amazing look, choose a nice belt as well – preferably a white one. This will give you that sort of rock star figure, making you look even more fabulous. Plus, it will keep your tank top in check, so it’s as practical as it is stylish.

  1. Don’t Forget the Plaid Shirts

If your general style is more of a lumberjack type, then a plaid shirt will look very well with your moustache. Red would be the obvious choice, but in truth, any color would work here. Plus, plaid shirts are very stylish, which means that you will also look elegant and timeless as you are walking around with this kind of clothing.

You may finish this look with a regular belt or an overall kind. The dress shirt may be a bit loose but bear in mind that fitted is always better. It will give you a nice cut, making you look elegant – and at the same time, casual. Whether you have a beard to go with the moustache or not, it is not as relevant – because it will still look good.

Final Thoughts

The good news about moustaches is that you can look cool with whatever you are wearing. It is no longer frowned upon – but now is seen as a fashion statement (particularly if you are also rocking a nice beard with it). No matter what you are wearing, the moustache will be the main attraction point for those around you. 

Sara Law

Sara Law is a Marketing Assistant at Myer and has worked with such iconic Australians brands as Jetstar, Michael Hill, and more.