If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re going to get hitched. Congratulations!

Of course, this day is all about you and your soulmate. However, you will also get surrounded by some of the best people you’ve ever known. The closest of which are your groomsmen. 

So, while it is important to give your forever and always a day they’ll never forget, you also need to save a thought for your best buds. Here are ten of the best groomsman gifts to help you show your appreciation to the friends and family that made you the man you are today.


The right cufflinks can embody the epitome of a gentleman, and since a dapper pair of cufflinks are available for around $35, it will put you below the average $37 price tag, according to over 40,000 grooms

However, this subtle yet key component to your wedding-day attire will help you and your wedding party stand out from the crowd.

Pen Set

It is always beneficial to have a good pen. Having a good pen is a powerful symbol whether you use it in the office, at home or your workplace. (Plus, it’s very useful.) 

While many workplace traditions have fallen to the wayside in favor of digital replacements, a successful, capable man still has plenty of reasons to have and use a good pen. 

Additionally, if you get your friend’s name or initials monogrammed into the pen, it is a much more personalized gift, and it is far less likely that someone will steal their pen.


Time is the one thing we cannot amend, get more of, or redo. Therefore, gentlemen should take pride in how you keep track of such a precious commodity. Sure, we have our cellphones, but a man with a nice watch sets that guy apart from the rest. Wearing a watch can be debonair and make you look reliable: all qualities you want to portray on your wedding day. 

So, while men usually try not to match anyone, especially other men, your man-card gets a pass on your wedding day. While women focus on accentuating your better half’s bridal jewelry with their accessories, a guy’s planning doesn’t need to be so complicated. (Thankfully.) 

Instead, getting your groomsmen (and yourself) a nice watch to commemorate the happiest day of your life is a great way to accomplish subtle uniformity without looking like you stepped out of a cartoon. 

Premium Shaving Kit

You want to look your best on your wedding day. Although, you also want your buddies to look good too. Having well-shaven groomsmen provides the perfect opportunity for you to reaffirm you are the alfa in your pack. By gifting your groomsmen a premium shaving kit, you are ensuring that everyone knows not only do you look awesome, you also made it possible for your friends to look good too. 

A lady loves a man in control, and your friends will love you for it, as it will step up their groomsmen game.

Custom Sunglasses

Both men and women always need a good pair of sunglasses. Many people go for the cheap sunglasses you can get at the bar or an oceanside kiosk, but that is because you haven’t had a pair of custom sunglasses. 

Think of how cool your wedding party will look with custom sunglasses. Then, after the wedding, they will have an awesome reminder that it is actually functional, without screaming it was a groomsman gift.


It should go without saying that one of the best groomsman gifts isn’t a six-pack from the corner store. (Unless there’s significance to that, and if so, have at it!) Otherwise, this alcohol should be top-shelf. You are celebrating, after all, and these are the people who helped shape you. The least you could do is buy them a decent drink. 

In summation, being the groom can be difficult. There are many decisions and people to please, including graciously accepting tips for the groom you certainly didn’t want. However, through all the fashion decisions and wedding faux pas you may come across during this journey, you want to remember to acknowledge the people who stuck with you through it all: Your groomsmen.