If you’re a man of purpose and substance, you obviously care about fashion. But are you following the right rules when it comes to being stylish and put together? Believe it or not, there are certain rules that you should consider if you want to be at the top of your fashion game. Here are nine that you should start following right now.

  1. Upgrade Ultra-Casual Pieces

No doubt there are times when you just want to keep it super chill and wear ultra-casual clothes, such as athleisure wear. And that’s perfectly fine to do. However, ultra-casual clothes run the gamut — from discount bin finds to the classiest of garments. Although you don’t have to spend a fortune to get the best of the best casual wear, you do need to upgrade to something better if your ultra-casual wear consists of a pair of ill-fitting sweatpants and a well-worn T-shirt.

  1. Up the Ante With a Blazer

Even if you’ve never worn a blazer before in your life — or the last time you wore one was in private school — it’s time to try one on for size. A blazer can take a T-shirt and jeans to the next level. You can also pair it with chinos to create a look that’s a bit more elevated, but not quite suit quality.

  1. A Modern Pair of Jeans

You may already be following this fashion rule, and you may not. Evaluate your denim. How long has it been since you looked for a new style of jeans? If it’s been a while, the chances are that your jeans are probably outdated. Or, at the very least, not the most modern style currently available.

  1. Learn to Layer

If you aren’t layering your outfits, you’re missing out on opportunities galore. Layering is not only something you can do when it’s cold outside. It can also add interest to your outfits by providing texture and color. Both heavier and lightweight pieces work for layering, and don’t be afraid to pair clothing items that you wouldn’t necessarily think would go together. You might layer them and find the combination of pieces is a great new look for you.

  1. Buy a Good Suit

When you have some extra cash, take a trip to a menswear store or department and get some assistance in picking out a suit that can transition through any season. Inevitably an occasion will occur where wearing a suit is required.

  1. Try Wearing Accessories

If you don’t normally wear accessories, start now. A classy watch, sleek pair of sunglasses, printed scarf, stunning ring or gold chain can help you stand out from the crowd. To look at some bold jewelry selections, go here

  1. Talk to a Tailor

If you have one of those bodies that clothes just don’t seem to quite fit well enough on, don’t get discouraged. Instead, go see a tailor. Yes, tailoring costs extra money, but it can be well worth it. If you invest in your clothing, you won’t mind spending a little extra to get the perfect fit for your body style.

  1. Buy the Right Size and Fit for Your Frame

Sometimes a tailor isn’t the answer, especially if you’re a tall guy. When you’re taller in stature and have longer-than-average limbs, shopping in the regular men’s sizes isn’t going to work well. Instead, you need to shop men’s big-and-tall clothing. If you’ve always worn regular sizes, you will be amazed at how well a shirt or a pair of pants made for your proportions will fit.

  1. Up Your Footwear Game

Owning only one pair of shoes can be limiting. Not all outfits will work with the same pair of shoes. At the very least, you’ll need a pair each of nice athletic shoes, dress shoes and casual shoes. Anything less than that and you risk ruining your look with the wrong pair of shoes.

  1. Don’t Be Too Matchy-Matchy

You can take some fashion risks and ditch the matchy-matchy color vibe. If you didn’t already know, there’s such a thing as complementary colors. Often, these are colors that you may not have considered pairing, such as red and green. But not bright red and green. Instead, think about olive green and burgundy.

  1. Iron Your Clothes

If you’re the wash-and-wear type of guy, start realizing that not everything looks good right out of the clothes dryer. You can spring for dry cleaning or hire someone to do your laundry, or you can buy and learn to use an iron. Wearing rumpled, wrinkled clothing is never a good look.