With a New Year comes resolutions to get fit. Every year, millions make the resolution and stick with it for a couple of months. The loss of interest is usually because one becomes bored with their workout routine.

Or they aren’t seeing the results they want. Fitness trends can help you achieve goals while keeping you interested. Here are eight trends you should keep an eye out and try.

1. Utilize Your Wearables

Fitbits, heart monitors, and sleep monitors are a rage right now. One of the best things you can do is incorporate a wearable during your day and your workout. If you haven’t bought one yet, there are tons on the market that can fit your desires and your budget. Have one but have it stashed somewhere? Dust it off and get familiar with it once more.

A wearable keeps you accountable for your new lifestyle change. For those who have a competitive streak, it can help you stay focused and beat your own personal goals with every workout. Remember, you don’t have to dive headfirst into a workout. Simply adding 500 steps to your day can be a big help. Increase it over time as you feel more comfortable with the movements. Many home-bound patients are provided a wearable for this very reason.

2. Embrace The Free Weights

Many people looking to get fit either start walking or use the machines at a gym. Both of these are great ideas but free weights can help you in tremendous ways.

Carrying weights while walking can increase your heart rate and help with strength training. At the gym, the free weight is great for you to develop a routine that you fall in love with.

Free weights are important for strength training. To lose fat, you must build muscle. Cardio is great for the heart while free weights keep the weight loss going when you aren’t working out. Ladies, don’t be afraid of weights. Many women are nervous that they will become bulky and it doesn’t happen with casual use. You will notice your arms become stronger and well-toned.

3. Get A Personal Trainer

Personal trainers are a perfect addition to your 2020 workout goals. They can help customize a workout for your body type and your personal goals. They will also discuss nutrition with you to make some healthier choices. Overall, a personal trainer provides accountability and encouragement along the way. Who wouldn’t enjoy someone cheering them on?

When looking for a trainer, ask around about those in the area. Your trainer should be able to push you through barriers while instilling positive self-esteem.

4. Use CBD Oil for Post-Workout Recovery

Everyone has been hearing the buzz about CBD oil tincture and all its benefits. If you haven’t yet, you should check it out. CBD is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can minimize that post-workout soreness.

It is also wonderful for reducing joint pain, which can occur with repeated movements in the joint. Additionally, it works well at controlling cortisol. With cortisol being released at lower levels, protein synthesis can happen more efficiently and promotes new muscle fiber being built. Lastly, it helps you relax enough to get a good night’s sleep. The sleep cycle is when our bodies repair itself so the benefits of your workout are happening during sleep.

5. Get A Fitness Buddy

If you have a friend who has made the same health commitment as you, team up. There is nothing better than having someone go to the gym with you, take walks at night, and check on each other about nutrition.

They are there for accountability, cheering you on, and you get to spend time with a friend. This is especially important for people who are nervous about going to a gym. For the ladies, some gyms now offer a women’s only area so that you can feel more comfortable working out instead of in a large crowded room.

6. Use A Workout App On Your Phone

For many people, they need the help of a planned workout but the convenience of anywhere. Not everyone can travel across town to a gym to work out for an hour. There are plenty of day-to-day routines and commitments that have to be fulfilled.

Using a mobile app is your best bet. It gives you the workouts to do for the day and you can do them at home when you can. Some you can alter by inputting weight loss goals and diet tracking. There are plenty of free apps to get started with.

7. Add Yoga To The Mix

Some people have yet to try yoga and we find that it can be a great addition to your workout. There is gentle yoga for when you first start and want to learn the positions. It’s good for gaining flexibility and encouraging active breathing.

Relaxation yoga is a good way to end the evening or week. Here it’s about relaxing the body and ridding it of anxiety. There are many other yoga programs that are relevant to building strength and flexibility for a better workout at the gym or home. These will raise your heart rate, encourage a good sweat, and move your body in ways that you never knew it could.

8. Join A Group Workout

Group workouts are great for engaging with a trainer along with others looking to meet their goals. It may be aerobics, spin class, Zumba, or a Pilates class.

Groups are not about competing with one another, it’s about sticking with the plan and encouraging others as you go. Even for the introvert who is worried about large groups, there are smaller groups at different times of the day to make it easy.

While these may not sound like “new” trends, these are what fitness gurus and experts are focused on providing in 2020. As with any weight loss or health journey, it takes time. You won’t lose 20 lbs in a month, but you will gain muscle and stamina.

Set your goals realistically and don’t be afraid to push further when it’s not as hard. Most importantly, don’t forget the importance of rest days. They help you achieve your goals when you allow the body some rest.