The Best Men’s Style Instagram Accounts

Instagram continues to go from strength to strength after it’s acquisition from Facebook back in 2012 and with over 500 million monthly users, Instagram is a great place to gain inspiration for your style.

The issue is the vast amount of users often means we miss out on exciting accounts, but I wanted to highlight 12 Instagram accounts that you should follow.

With over 13 million updates being tagged #mensfashion I’ve scoured through the junk and put together the list below.

Of course I’ve excluded both High Def Male’s profile @mfminstagram and my own but feel free to give them a follow.

How To Use Instagram For Style Inspiration

Before we dive into the list I want to quickly highlight the importance of using Instagram to inspire your style.

Don’t just admire the accounts below or any others you follow, use them to inspire the way you dress. One of the best ways to inspire your style is to find accounts and images on Instagram that align with how you want to dress.

For example you might follow an Instagram account admiring every image he publishes. With every image published see what you can take as inspiration. It could be a certain item of clothing, it could be a colour combination, the way the clothing fits, the detailing and so on. Don’t imitate the whole outfit, choose something you like the most and something you can integrate into your own style.

This is something I personally do a lot. If I have an item of clothing I want to wear I’ll often scour Instagram to see how other people have styled it. A camel coat may be hanging in your wardrobe with little styling options but a quick browse through Instagram will give you multiple ways of styling it.

Go through the archives of the accounts you follow, search using the # feature and don’t be afraid to screenshot certain images to help inspire your style at a later date.

I go into more detail about defining your style and using Instagram to inspire it in the video below.